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Training Sub-Department added to the Management Department

November 25, 2013

In order to ensure that all our prefects are trained to do their jobs properly, a new sub-department "Training" was added to the Management Department.

This sub-department will be tasked with designing and delivering training with the help of all the other departments.

On top of the regular prefect training, this sub-department will be responsible to plan and stage the SLO® trainings such as the Mini-Camps, the SLOGA, etc.

A full sub-department description as well as the new job description is available in the new SLO® Manual.

To view the description of the training sub-department and the job description click here.


Combined Mini Camp hosted by IAF

IAF - International Academy of Flint

November 09, 2013

Early on Saturday morning (November 9, 2013), there was excitement in the air as 22 students prepared for a trip to visit their big sister-school located in Flint, Michigan. With anticipation, the students, SLCs and support staff started their journey to visit the International Academy of Flint of which they’ve heard only stories. They were going to witness and experience Student Life and SABIS® success first-hand.

The International Academy of Flint hosted the combined SLO® Mini-Camp.  The theme was “Back to the Basics”. The schools attending the Mini-Camp were:

  • The International Preparatory of Saginaw
  • Mid-Michigan Leadership Academy (Lansing)
  • International Preparatory Academy (Detroit)
  • The International Academy of Flint (hosting school)

Eight students from each school, their SLC and one support staff member were invited to attend the day long Mini Camp. The students were all greeted and treated with the highest standard of hospitality from Flint’s SLO® Team. The retreat was jam-packed with teamwork and leadership activities planned and led by the SLCs. The Activities gave the students an opportunity to get acquainted with their SABIS® brothers and sisters. The IAF prefects were the true gems of the day; they did a fantastic job at hosting, planning and running the retreat.

The goal of the camp was to paint a more vivid picture of Student Life for the newer Michigan schools and young prefects. The program of the day consisted of:

  • The IAF prefects breaking down each department and giving examples of how their duties added to the overall picture of success in Flint.
  • The prefects sharing personal narratives of their trek through SABIS® as an SLO® Prefect and speaking of the ups and downs of being a prefect and working in specific department.
  • The IAF Prefects reminding the middle school prefects that changing the world (or your school) is possible, but first you must change yourself.  This was done with great solidarity.

The day ended at 8pm with bowling, dinner, and many communal moments. The trip home was a time of reflection and rest. So much was shared in the little time they spent together. Both Students and teachers left the Mini-Camp with their appetites whetted, ready to bring back some of that IAF spirit and practice to their young SABIS Student Life Organizations® at their respective schools. 

Student Life Prefect Training Camp Weekend

ISF - Internationale Schule Frankfurt-Rhein-Main

September 07, 2013

After a week of sunshine, 78 ISF prefects met at our school on Saturday in the pouring rain to set off to the Annual SLO® Prefect Training Camp. The ISF students did not allow rain to dampen their spirits and they left bright and early for Kletterwald Wiesbaden for a morning of outdoor climbing and team-building activities.

The Kletterwald staff did an amazing job preparing the prefects for the different challenges. The prefects tackled each activity with ease and confidence, dealing with each situation as one would expect from real ISF SLO® prefects. After the team arrived at the finish line, everyone boarded the buses and took off for the Wiesbaden Youth Hostel.

During the afternoon session the Head Prefect presented a very motivational and moving speech about her experiences as an ISF SLO® Prefect, telling her audience how, with effort and dedication, they could all make a difference at ISF and beyond. Mr. Waddell had the pleasure of introducing the new Deputy Heads to the rest of the team of prefects. He explained the selection process and what attributes it takes to become a Deputy Head Prefect.

The next session saw the new Deputy Head Prefects take their own team of prefects away for a departmental training session where they brainstormed, planned and organized for the coming year. It was with a great amount of pride that teachers watched from afar as the Deputy Heads led discussions and at the same time listened and helped their teams to develop ideas for the good of the school. It was clear that these young ISF students really are proud to be part of the SLO® Team and are immensely proud of their school. They are all determined to make ISF an even better place for the whole community. The evening was rounded off with a well-prepared BBQ and everyone participating in various sports and games.

On Sunday morning bright and early, the Deputy Heads led their teams through bonding games which were extremely well thought out and fun for all. Afterwards, everyone posed to take various photos of the whole team. The retreat ended with a quick game of volleyball; staff and Deputy Heads against the prefects. As staff celebrated their win, the ISF prefects collected their belongings and boarded the bus.  After what had been an amazing experience for all, students and staff were looking forward with confidence to having a great year ahead! The SLO® Team organized a very successful training camp.

Springfield hosts annual Student Life Mini Camp

SABIS® International Charter School - Springfield

November 13, 2013

The SLO® team of SICS - Springfield hosted their annual Mini Camp on Wednesday, November 13th.  The students were excited to learn more about Student Life and how they could get more involved. The SLC and prefects who attended the Student Life Training Camp in Germany shared their collective experiences from the camp with the 50 students who attended.  The student presenters gave a summary of the presentations that were done over the summer. 

The students found the presentations on Emotional Intelligence and Power of Positive Thinking very useful and were excited and eager to apply what they learned to their various departments in the Student Life Organization® at school.  Mr. Jeff’s signature presentation, “The Filter”, was a key presentation on the day, and focuses on learning to keep your ‘filter’ clean by removing negative factors and influences from your life, so that you can focus on the positive and let that be the driving force to help you become the best you can be. 

A few important points that were discuss on the day, were the sets of criteria required for being a successful leader in the SLO®, including the selection criteria for attending the highly anticipated annual Student Life Training Camp.  It was important to make this clear to the students in order for them to set goals for themselves as leaders of Springfield.

Students left with a clearer idea of what it means to be a part of SLO® and being a student leader.  The day was considered a success and the students are looking forward to making a difference in their school.   

  1. New Mgmt Sub-Department
  2. Mini Camp in Michigan, USA
  3. Prefect Training Camp @ ISF
  4. Mini Camp @ SICS Springfield
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